Sido Muncul Vitamin C 1000 + D3 + Zinc is the first bottled vitamin which helps fulfil daily vitamin needs for adults. Comes in 2 zesty and refreshing flavour variants: Orange and Lemon.
Helps boost immune system and supplements multivitamin and Zinc.
An ascorbic acid mineral salt (vitamin C) that supplements the body’s vitamin C needs. At 1000 mg, it helps prevent canker sores and bleeding gums, accelerate recovery after illness/surgery, meet the vitamin needs for elders, increase collagen production (Buku Saku Vitamin C, BPOM, 2020), boost immune system (Zychowska et al, 2021), and contains antioxidant molecules (Righi et al, 2019; Yimcharoen et al, 2019)
Contains many nutrients to boost immune system and treat various health problems (FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin, 1996)
Helps boost immune system (Haase Et Al, 2014)
1 bottle a day
Bottle, 300 ml